
Friday, February 19, 2010

Earn Online Credits For Political Science and Sociology Classes

If you'd like to learn a little bit about politics, and a little bit of about psychology with just a sprinkle of sociology then I recommend you go online and get yourself a free education participating with others on Internet in forums on political issues. What you will learn will be worth its weight in gold and is far better than earning online credits because you will get a taste of what the real world is all about, and what people are really thinking.
You see, people online often say what they are thinking whereas, if you meet them in public they may not say those kinds of things. There are many reasons for this, for instance, many people use screen names, or fake names online when they blog, go onto social networks, or post their thoughts in Internet forums.
If you really wish to get a handle upon what people are thinking about during the political season then you don't have to go very far online to find a good intellectual debate on political topics. You will also learn the social dynamics of primate politics and how various people get together in groups and maneuver around to attack other people verbally, or gather support in order to project their argument onto opposing groups that thinks about an issue in a different way. There is probably no better place than going online to learn about political science and sociology.


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